The garlic production plan export to Gabon on Jun 07th
- The garlic production plan export to Ghana on JUL 20th
- The garlic production plan export to Haiti on Sep 24th
- The garlic production plan export to Senegal on Jun 29th
- The garlic production plan export to Haiti on Feb 15th
- The garlic production plan export to Haiti on Mar 13rd
- The garlic production plan export to Mozambique on May 11st
- The garlic production plan export to Mozambique on Oct 29th
- The garlic production plan export to Costa Rica on May 05th
- The garlic production plan export to Maldives on JUL 7th
- The garlic production plan export to Guyana on Aug 02nd
- The garlic production plan export to Dominican on May 31st
- The garlic production plan export to Somalia on Sep 17th
- The garlic production plan export to Mozambique on Oct 20th
- The garlic production plan export to Tunisia on Sep 7th, 2020
- The garlic production plan export to Haiti on Sep 24th, 2020